Magic.jpg' alt='Mclean Magic Softball Virginia' title='Mclean Magic Softball Virginia' />Virginia Wikipedia. Commonwealth of Virginia. Nicknames Old Dominion, Mother of Presidents and the Mother of StatesmenMottos Sic semper tyrannisEnglish Thus Always to Tyrants1Official language. English. Spoken languages. English 8. 5. 8. 7,Spanish 6. Other 7. 7. 2Demonym. Virginian. Capital. Richmond. Largest city. Virginia Beach. Largest metro. Washington metropolitan area. Area. Ranked 3. 5th  Total. Width. 20. 0 miles 3. Length. 43. 0 miles 6. Latitude. 36 3. 2 N to 3. N  Longitude. 75 1. W to 8. 3 4. 1 WPopulation. Ranked 1. 2th  Total. Density. 20. 6. 7sq mi  7. Lakshmi Publications Engineering Books. Ranked 1. 4th  Median household income6. Elevation  Highest point. Mount Rogers455,7. Mean. 95. 0 ft  2. Options available for dog owners needing help paying for ccl repair surgery financial assistance for pet surgeries. Polk County Publishing Company, P. O. Box 1267, Livingston, TX. Attention This page is now an archive page, Current obituaries can now be found at WWW. CroswellFuneralhome. Update your bookmarks. Find us on. Mclean Magic Softball VirginiaLowest point. Atlantic Ocean4sea level. Before statehood. Colony of Virginia. Admission to Union. June 2. 5, 1. 78. Governor. Terry Mc. Auliffe DLieutenant Governor. Ralph Northam DLegislature. General Assembly  Upper house. Subdivision Planning And Design Software'>Subdivision Planning And Design Software. Senate  Lower house. House of Delegates. U. S. Senators. Mark Warner DTim Kaine DU. S. House delegation. Republicans,4 Democrats listTime zone. Eastern UTC54. ISO 3. US VAAbbreviations. VA, Va. Websitewww. Virginia   listen, UK, officially the Commonwealth of Virginia is a state in the Southeastern6 and Mid Atlantic7 regions of the United States located between the Atlantic Coast and the Appalachian Mountains. It is bordered to the northeast by Washington, D. C.  and Maryland to the east by the Atlantic Ocean to the south by North Carolina to the southwest by Tennessee to the west by Kentucky and to the northwest by West Virginia. Virginia is nicknamed the Old Dominion due to its status as the first English colonial possession established in mainland North America,8 and Mother of Presidents because eight U. S. presidents were born there, more than any other state. Z7lBK0Qgpc/VPPugBgkWII/AAAAAAAAVQo/KJmosohGgM0/s1600/kwaliwok1.jpg' alt='Mclean Magic Softball Virginia' title='Mclean Magic Softball Virginia' />Find the latest sports news and articles on the NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, NCAA college football, NCAA college basketball and more at ABC News. The geography and climate of the Commonwealth are shaped by the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Chesapeake Bay, which provide habitat for much of its flora and fauna. The capital of the Commonwealth is Richmond Virginia Beach is the most populous city, and Fairfax County is the most populous political subdivision. The Commonwealths estimated population as of 2. The areas history begins with several indigenous groups, including the Powhatan. In 1. 60. 7 the London Company established the Colony of Virginia as the first permanent New World. English colony. Slave labor and the land acquired from displaced Native American tribes each played a significant role in the colonys early politics and plantation economy. Virginia was one of the 1. Colonies in the American Revolution and joined the Confederacy in the American Civil War, during which Richmond was made the Confederate capital and Virginias northwestern counties seceded to form the state of West Virginia. Although the Commonwealth was under one party rule for nearly a century following Reconstruction, both major national parties are competitive in modern Virginia. The Virginia General Assembly is the oldest continuous law making body in the New World. The state government was ranked most effective by the Pew Center on the States in both 2. It is unique in how it treats cities and counties equally, manages local roads, and prohibits its governors from serving consecutive terms. Virginias economy has many sectors agriculture in the Shenandoah Valley federal agencies in Northern Virginia, including the headquarters of the U. S. Department of Defense and Central Intelligence Agency CIA and military facilities in Hampton Roads, the site of the regions main seaport. Dictionary English To Bangla Software. Geography. Virginia has a total area of 4. Virginia is bordered by Maryland and Washington, D. C. to the north and east by the Atlantic Ocean to the east by North Carolina to the south by Tennessee to the southwest by Kentucky to the west and by West Virginia to the north and west. Virginias boundary with Maryland and Washington, D. V2/1/sNBp6SGzXC_gm6e2tFEA2C3gMNwGnH17wbadPYgm93m4Gj9ImRu7DSvCoobdJTHRDLXDntjOOht3JFTI5FY7QA.jpg' alt='Mclean Magic Softball Virginia' title='Mclean Magic Softball Virginia' />C. Potomac River. 1. The southern border is defined as the 3. The border with Tennessee was not settled until 1. U. S. Supreme Court. Geology and terrain. The Chesapeake Bay separates the contiguous portion of the Commonwealth from the two county peninsula of Virginias Eastern Shore. The bay was formed from the drowned river valleys of the Susquehanna River and the James River. Many of Virginias rivers flow into the Chesapeake Bay, including the Potomac, Rappahannock, York, and James, which create three peninsulas in the bay. The Tidewater is a coastal plain between the Atlantic coast and the fall line. It includes the Eastern Shore and major estuaries of Chesapeake Bay. The Piedmont is a series of sedimentary and igneous rock based foothills east of the mountains which were formed in the Mesozoic era. The region, known for its heavy clay soil, includes the Southwest Mountains around Charlottesville. The Blue Ridge Mountains are a physiographic province of the Appalachian Mountains with the highest points in the state, the tallest being Mount Rogers at 5,7. The Ridge and Valley region is west of the mountains and includes the Great Appalachian Valley. The region is carbonate rock based and includes Massanutten Mountain. The Cumberland Plateau and the Cumberland Mountains are in the southwest corner of Virginia, south of the Allegheny Plateau. In this region, rivers flow northwest, with a dendritic drainage system, into the Ohio River basin. The Virginia Seismic Zone has not had a history of regular earthquake activity. Earthquakes are rarely above 4. Virginia is located away from the edges of the North American Plate. The largest earthquake, at an estimated 5. Blacksburg. 2. 6 A 5. Virginia on August 2. Mineral. The earthquake was reportedly felt as far away as Toronto, Atlanta and Florida. Coal mining takes place in the three mountainous regions at 4. Mesozoic basins. 2. Over 6. 2 million tons of other non fuel resources, such as slate, kyanite, sand, or gravel, were also mined in Virginia in 2. The states carbonate rock is filled with more than 4,0. Virginia. The resulting crater may explain sinking and earthquakes in the region. Climate. Virginia state wide averages. Climate chart explanationJFMAMJJASONDAverage max. FPrecipitation totals in inches. Source University of Virginia data 1. Metric conversion. JFMAMJJASONDAverage max. CPrecipitation totals in mm. The climate of Virginia is humid subtropical and becomes increasingly warmer and more humid farther south and east. Seasonal extremes vary from average lows of 2. F 3 C in January to average highs of 8. F 3. 0 C in July. The Atlantic Ocean has a strong effect on eastern and southeastern coastal areas of the state. Influenced by the Gulf Stream, coastal weather is subject to hurricanes, most pronouncedly near the mouth of Chesapeake Bay. In spite of its position adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean, even the coastal areas have a significant continental influence with quite large temperature differences between summer and winter, particularly given the state climates subtropical classification, which is typical of states in the Upper South. Virginia has an annual average of 3. Cold air masses arriving over the mountains in winter can lead to significant snowfalls, such as the Blizzard of 1. The interaction of these elements with the states topography creates distinct microclimates in the Shenandoah Valley, the mountainous southwest, and the coastal plains.