Pearls Before Swine These Things Too Rare' title='Pearls Before Swine These Things Too Rare' />Editors Note As we have stated before, much of our work here at OnePeterFive is also based on the kindness and generosity of others who wish to contribute to our. Why do the Freemasons Love Pope Francis Editors Note As we have stated before, much of our work here at One. Peter. Five is also based on the kindness and generosity of others who wish to contribute to our apostolate without being able, for different reasons, to go public with their own names. Thus we have been presented by a learned person the result of immense research, undertaken over a long period of time. After reviewing their findings, we have decided present to our readers, under a condition of anonymity, the evidence they have gathered demonstrating that Freemasons around the world have rejoiced over the election of Jorge Bergoglio to the papacy, and that they have continued to publicly praise him for his ongoing and expanding program of reform. Since the words largely speak for themselves and thus lead us all to a deeper reflection as to the nature and purpose of this papacy  we shall leave our readers with the abundant evidence compiled in the following pages. The quoted documents are not all presented in a chronological way. The Laughing Gnostic David Bowie and the Occult by PeterR. Koenig First publication 1996, recent update 2017. QwAMEl8lko/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Pearls Before Swine These Things Too Rar' title='Pearls Before Swine These Things Too Rar' />Since there is so much material, we shall present the documentation in installments, of which this is the first. When possible, we shall attempt to give direct links to the quoted sources to make possible the easier corroboration of our readers. We also wish to express our deep gratitude to the person who did all the research a true work of love, done out of filial devotion to our Catholic Church and her formative teaching, whole and entire. Part One of Three Parts Part 1  Part 2 Part 3. Some Preliminary Comments on Freemasonry and the Catholic Church A Pope According to Our WantsThat which we ought to demand, that which we should seek and expect, as the Jews expected the Messiah, is a Pope according to our wants. Alexander VI, with all his private crimes, would not suit us, for he never erred in religious matters. Clement XIV, on the contrary, would suit us from head to toe. From the Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita, section XIX, 1st half of the 1. As the late John Vennari, then the editor of Catholic Family News explained, the Alta Vendita was the highest lodge of the Carbonari, an Italian secret society with links to Freemasonry and which, along with Freemasonry, was condemned by the Catholic Church. Thus this quote from the Alta Vendita gives us an idea of what some Freemasons had historically been looking for with regard to the Pope of the Catholic Church. In 1. 86. 1, Jacques Crtinau Joly published a book entitled LEglise en face de la revolution The Church in the Face of Revolution. This French author first published the Alta Vendita of the Carbonari, which, according to specialist scholars on Freemasonry, was the de facto armed wing of Freemasonry those given leadership positions within this secret group had to already be Masons, especially high level Masons. According to this and other Masonic documents that were seized by the papal police, the Masons were hoping for a pope according to their own needs, not a pope who is part of their brotherhood, but a pope who goes along with their mentality. The Alta Vendita calls for a pope who would similar to Clement XIV2 surrender hands and feet to the powers that be out of fear and to the unbelievers who would praise him for his tolerance. To come to this point within the Church, the Alta Vendita knew that it might take a long time, even a century. This document had been published in 1. Catholic traditionalists. It was at the time of Pius IX. John Paul II and Benedict XVI do not pleaseWe now return to the present day. In an interview in 1. Gustavo Raffi, Grand Master of the Lodge Grand Orient of Italy 1. Pope Paul VI because says Raffi during his pontificate, Freemasonry had a season of great dialogue with the Church, many of the clergy spoke about the end of the anti Masonic censure and argued in favor of a compatibility between Church and Loggia. But then, with Pope John Paul II, there returned the anti Masonic frost in 1. Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith CDF, presided over by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, reiterated the incompatibility between the Church and Masonry. Pope Wojtyla approved that statement. One. Peter. Five recounted here the role which Dr. Ingo Dollinger played with regard to that 1. CDF document the editor. Since 1. Archbishop later Cardinal of Buenos Aires, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, has been an honorary member of the Rotary Club, which has ties to Freemasonry and has even been condemned by certain bishops in Europe in the early 2. In the winter of 2. British Masonic magazine Freemasonry Today, a German Mason, Axel Pohlmann, complained about Pope Wojtyla still living at the time and of Cardinal Ratzinger. Pohlmann suggested that after the death of the Polish Pontiff, Masons would do their best to convince the Church to remove any anti Masonic condemnation. In the article, he asked And what is in store for the futureWhen Father Sebott was asked whether contacts should be carried on, he said Not as long as the men to include Ratzinger who made the decisions in the 1. Directx 12 For Windows 7 64 Bit Full. Pope. This statement may be negative for the present, but bears hope for the future. The desires of the Mason Pohlmann soon seemed to come true a few months after his article was published, Pope John Paul II died. There followed the 2. Conclave. Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini a Jesuit was among the eligible candidates it was he who appealed most to the Masons. But it seems that at that conclave, the decisive choice swung between the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Jorge Bergoglio also a Jesuit, and Joseph Ratzinger. Ratzinger won to the Freemasons disappointment and became Benedict XVI, the Pope of Summorum Pontificum, a Pope widely seen as a champion of clear and strong protection of non negotiable values. Under the Ratzinger papacy, there were frequent media attacks against the person of the pope, in some cases daily, conspiracies of spies, leaked documents, criticisms of various theologians against the pope, and massive boycotts of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum. It seems that among the boycotters, or at least among the non excited observers of Summorum Pontificum, was one Jorge Mario Bergoglio, then Archbishop of Buenos Aires. In 2. Argentine Masonic journal, Hiram Abif, showed itself disappointed with Pope Benedict XVI and was already speculating about his future successor. It said The first years of Benedict XVI leave a feeling of increasing crisis in the Catholic Church. Never before, the disagreements and dissensions were so loud inside and outside the Vatican. And after Benedict XVI, what What are the options that arise Who could lead to a new stage9On February 1. Benedict gave in to his concerns about his own ability to continue an effective pontificate and resigned. A new conclave was held. This time, when a new pope came out onto the balcony at St. Peters Basilica on March 1. Jorge Bergoglio who was alleged to be the favored alternative to Ratzinger at the 2. The former Cardinal Archbishop of Buenos Aires took the name Francis, the first pope to do so in Church history. Following his election, the relentless media attacks and constant criticisms came nearly to an end, but those who opposed Summorum Pontificum gained new strength. Much talk of mercy as the theme of the new pontificate entered the public conversation, but that same mercy seems to have been denied to those conservative sectors in communion with Rome.