Ethiopian to Receive its First Boeing 7879 Dreamliner MIAMI Ethiopian Airlines will become the first African airline to take delivery of the Boeing 7879. The amazing story of Ethiopias resistance against Fascist Italys invasion. Its an epic tale of courage, betrayal, faith, love and a proud nation that refused to. Tigrai State, The openair Museum LOCATION. Tigrai is the Northernmost of Ethiopias federal states located at 12o15 4o57 longitude and 36o27 39o59 latitude. Deliverance A Tale of Colliding passions and the Muse of Forgiveness. Book Review. Title Deliverance A Tale of Colliding passions and the Muse of Forgiveness. Author Dr. Bereket Habte Selassie. Genre Historical Novel. Pages 3. 30. Publisher RSP Red Sea PressISBN 9. HB and 9. 78. 15. PBA new novel by Dr. Bereket Deliverance, a Tale of Colliding passions and the Muse of Forgiveness. Reviewed by Semere T. Habtemariam. Reading Dr. Berekets latest book, Deliverance A Tale of Colliding Passions and the Muse of Forgiveness is like sitting around a campfire being regaled by a masterful storyteller who was among the group that midwifed the revolution in Ethiopia. It is an engrossing tale of tragedy which would please the gods of Mount Olympus looking down on human actions from the clouds and laughing at mans delusion and myopia. But for mortals, it is a clarion call for somber reflection for ultimately the passions of the moment will have to give way to dispassionate reflection putting the common good above factional and personal interests. The author contends that a writers duty is to be counted on the side of justice and truth. I am neither informed nor qualified enough to judge him on these twin pillars, but I can safely say that he has done a marvelous job of describing problems that have afflicted Ethiopia and Eritrea and prescribed solutions that could positively transform the region. We dont have to go far to illustrate the tragic loss of life and waste that was caused by the tale of colliding passions described in this novel. The appeal to the redemptive power of forgiveness is an essential condition for the success of any attempt at reconciliation. I believe it is for this reason that he has appropriately titled his book Deliverance A Tale of Colliding Passions and the Muse of Forgiveness. Deliverance is the culmination of all of Dr. Berekets previous works that ties up the loose ends. This book depicts the personhood of Dr. Bereket more than any other book. It is the result of a lifetime reflection of the age old question of what is the common good and the good life and of how to attain it at the individual and community level. Love to the former and justice to the latter turns out to be the touchstone of a healthy and balanced society. The young revolutionary, the dreamer, the pan Africanist, the lawyer, the judge, and the scholar Dr. Bereket might have been constrained in his previous works due to many possible considerations, be they personal, political and professional, but in Deliverance, he is totally free and unencumbered. The historical novel genre serves him well he has the liberty to let the loose wings of imagination. As if on a last call of duty, he seems to want to bring it all and bequeath a roadmap of peace, justice and development to his progeny and his revolutionary cohorts. The former because they are free from the baggage of experience and the latter of the possibility that the passage of time might have mellowed the aging protagonists and antagonists of Ethiopias political drama, to change their outlook on life. It is some of the merits of graceful aging. It is for this reason that Socrates admitted his fondness of talking with old men because they have proceeded on a certain road that perhaps we too will have to take, one ought in my opinion, to learn from them what sort of road it iswhether it is rough and hard or easy and smooth The Republic. Likewise, I implore young people to read Dr. Bereket latest novel. Perhaps literary works speak to our soul more than any other. It is hard not to empathize and sympathize with the main characters of Deliverance young Ethiopian students inspired by lofty ideas and ready to make the ultimate sacrifices. Cessna Learn To Fly Program on this page. As an Eritrean who was teeming with rightful indignation at the suffering of my people, I never bothered to appreciate the suffering of Ethiopians at the hands of our mutual enemythe brutal regime. At the intellectual level, I was aware of their suffering, but emotionally it was easy to shrug it off as a self inflicted misery. The power of Dr. Berekets novel was that it forced me to empathize and put myself in the shoes of my Ethiopian brothers and sisters. On the road to Damascus that the author built, I found my epiphany the Ethiopian victims were me. The dialogue I had with the characters has a transformative impact and it is this kind of a meaningful and constructive dialogue that our people need. I hope the great Ethiopian filmmaker, Dr. Haile Garima, will one day turn this novel into a movie. One thing that is clearly and undeniably visible is the authors love of the people of Eritrea and Ethiopia and his wish to see them living in peace, harmony and justice, but even more, to see them being the springboard for a future united Africa his undying commitment to the long held Pan Africanist belief of African unity. Shouldnt this be the wish of every Eritrean and Ethiopian The elder statesman has an 8. In prescribing dialogue as way of reconciling differences, the author, for example, does not create the wrong moral equivalency in trying to appear fair and impartial as has become the fashion in todays public discourses and diplomacy. The challenge of a civilized conversation, he points out concerns both government and opposition. But the onus lies with the government to start the ball rolling. Winning a peace needs a strategy as much as winning a war. The mutual recriminations and denunciations between respective governments and oppositions do not serve the cause of peace a middle ground must be found. Those in government today were yesterdays opposition and it is a matter of time when todays opposition will be in tomorrows government. This vicious cycle must stop and it is the responsibility of the governments to take the initiative and reach out to the oppositions and for the opposition to embrace it. The way the opposition behaves is, for the most part, determined by how it is treated by those in power. Violence breeds violence and peace breeds peace, and this awesome responsibility squarely falls on the shoulders of those in government. Amharic Power Geez 2005' title='Amharic Power Geez 2005' />Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Dirty Dancing Collector`S Edition. Easily share your publications and get. Christians in Ethiopia have long claimed to have the ark of the covenant. Our reporter investigated. This article examines the problematic relationship between Eritreas BiherTigrinya and Ethiopias Tigray people. It focuses on the recent western concept of ethnic. Just as there is a culture of violence and death, there can be a culture of love and life. But like everything else, it has to be cultivated. The book cleverly juxtaposes two stories the birth of a child left abandoned at the church courtyard and the outbreak of the revolution. In fact, the latter is the writ large of the former. The plot reminds one of what Plato did in the Republic where the city becomes the overmagnification of the individual. If one could understand the unfortunate act of a mother who left her baby to the mercy of the elements on a cold November morning, then one could understand the political upheavals that engulfed the nation. Whatever it is that drove that woman to abandon her baby, whether it is poverty or shame of conceiving a child outside what is accepted behavior by our society, the very act of leaving her baby on the ground abandoning her to an unknown fate is horrendous. As the character Aberra would write in his diary, the revolution exploded in our faces long before we were ready for it long before the squabbling factions of our revolutionary groups could heal their mutually inflicted wounds.