ADVERTISEMENTS Habit and Habitat of Genera Mucor and Rhizopus These are saprophytic fungi and grow on dead organic material. One can get these fungi in abundance. The Mucorales is the largest and best studied order of zygomycete fungi. Members of this order are sometimes called pin molds. The term mucormycosis is now preferred. Classification of Fungi Phycomycetes, Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes and Deuteromycetes Biology Exams 4 UMany system of classification of. Classification are based on. Morphology of reproductive. Types of spores and. Nature of the life. Besides, physiological. I According to the sepatation of the mycelium and. Gametangia Of Rhizopus' title='Gametangia Of Rhizopus' />Deuteromycetesa Phycomycetes The Lower FungiMycelium A septate, Cenocytic. Asexual reproduction Zoospores, Aplanospores, Chlamydospores. ADVERTISEMENTS Some of the important methods of reproduction in Fungi are as follows 1. Vegetative reproduction The most common method of vegetative reproduction. Sexual reproduction is known to occur in all groups of fungi except the Fungi imperfecti or Dueteromycetes. It may involve fusion of gametes, gametangia or hyphae. De Mucorales vormen een orde van lagere schimmels Zygomycota. De mucorales worden gekenmerkt door een grote diversiteit en hebben een weinig vertakt mycelium. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. Houby Mycota Fungi Organismy Eukaryotick buka buka s membrnovmi strukturami Bunn stna z chitinu Viva heterotrofn symbiotick. Sporangiospore. Sexual Reproduction. Isogamy, Oogamy. Examples Mucor, Rhizopusb. AscomycetesSac FungiMycelium. Septate. Asexual reproduction Budding, Conidiospores or Conidia. Sexual Reproduction Fusion. Ascospores formed in ascus. Fruiting body Ascocarp. CHAPTER 14 Fungi structure and reproduction. Introduction. Section A The fungi are a group of eukaryotic, nonvascular organism. Which are of diverse forms, sizes. Start studying Ch. Fungi. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Start studying Bio141 Final. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Cleistothecium, perithecium, apothecium Examples Yeast, Penicillium, Neurospora, cup. Blue Screen On Windows 7 Install. Basidiomycetes Club Fungi  Advanced. Mycelium Secondary, mycelium, dikaryotic. Asexual reproduction Basidiospores, Oidia. Sexual Reproduction. Somatogamy, Basidiospores formed on sterigmata. Fruiting body Basidiocarp. Examples Mushroom. Puff balls, bracket fungi, Agaricus. Polyporus, Puccinia, UstilagodDeuteromycetes Fungi Imperfecti In these. Perfect or sexual stages are absent. Hence they are grouped under an. Mycelium Branched, septate mycelium. Asexual reproduction Conidia. Sexual Reproduction Absent. Examples Fusarium, Collectotrichum, Pyricularia. Cercospora. II Classification of fungi is. ZygomycetesThe. Conjugation Fungi Primitive group of fungi. Mycelium Branched, filamentous and coenocytic hyphae. Asexual reproduction Non motile sporangiospores. Sexual reproduction Take place by means of gametangial. Resting spore or zygospore is.