This example reads the contents of a text file by using the static methods ReadAllText and ReadAllLines from the System. IO. File class. For an example that uses. Read Write Excel files in C tutorial shows how to write to and read from Excel file from your application sample CSharp source codes. High performance. NET library to read, write, and convert XLS, XLSX, and CSV files. Works on ASP. NET, ASP. NET MVC, ASP. NET Core,Windows Forms, WPF, UWP, and Xamarin. Here is the code to read a text file from disk one line at a time into a string. This code ensures the file exists and properly closes the file if an exception occurs. Read Text File C These examples show how to read whole text file into string, how to read all lines into string array or how to read text file line by line to. How to Write to a Text File C Programming GuideThese examples show various ways to write text to a file. The first two examples use static convenience methods on the System. IO. File class to write each element of any IEnumerablelt string and a string to a text file. Example 3 shows how to add text to a file when you have to process each line individually as you write to the file. Examples 1 3 overwrite all existing content in the file, but example 4 shows you how to append text to an existing file. These examples all write string literals to files, but more likely you will want to use the Format method, which has many controls for writing different types of values right or left justified in a field, with or without padding, and so on. You can also use the C string interpolation feature. Exampleclass Write. Text. File. static void Main. These examples assume a C UsersPublicTest. Folder folder on your machine. You can modify the path if necessary. Example 1 Write an array of strings to a file. Create a string array that consists of three lines. First line, Second line, Third line. Write. All. Lines creates a file, writes a collection of strings to the file. You do NOT need to call Flush or Close. System. IO. File. Write. All. LinesC UsersPublicTest. FolderWrite. Lines. Example 2 Write one string to a text file. A class is the most powerful data type in C. Like a structure,. Write. All. Text creates a file, writes the specified string to the file. An Example Of A Web Browser Program Is. You do NOT need to call Flush or Close. System. IO. File. Write. All. TextC UsersPublicTest. FolderWrite. Text. Example 3 Write only some strings in an array to a file. The using statement automatically flushes AND CLOSES the stream and calls. IDisposable. Dispose on the stream object. Read Text File To Array C#' title='Read Text File To Array C#' />NOTE do not use File. Stream for text files because it writes bytes, but Stream. Writer. encodes the output as text. The Land Of The Lawn Weenies. System. IO. Stream. Writer file. new System. IO. Stream. WriterC UsersPublicTest. FolderWrite. Lines. If the line doesnt contain the word Second, write the line to the file. ContainsSecond. Write. Lineline. Example 4 Append new text to an existing file. The using statement automatically flushes AND CLOSES the stream and calls. IDisposable. Dispose on the stream object. System. IO. Stream. Writer file. new System. IO. Stream. WriterC UsersPublicTest. FolderWrite. Lines. Write. LineFourth line. Agfa Apogee Pdf Rip Update. Output to Write. Lines. First line. Second line. Third line. Output to Write. Text. txt. A class is the most powerful data type in C. Like a structure, a class defines the data and behavior of the data type. Output to Write. Lines. Example 3. First line. Third line. Output to Write. Lines. 2. txt after Example 4. First line. Third line. Fourth line. These examples all write string literals to files, but more likely you will want to use the Format method, which has many controls for writing different types of values right or left justified in a field, with or without padding, and so on. You can also use the C string interpolation feature. Robust Programming The following conditions may cause an exception The file exists and is read only. The path name may be too long. The disk may be full. See Also. C Programming Guide. File System and the Registry C Programming GuideSample Save a collection to Application Storage.