Information for Authors. About the Journal. Overview of Current Oncology. What we publish. Benefits of publishing with Current Oncology. Overview of Current Oncology. Current Oncology is a peer reviewed, Canadian based and internationally respected journal. Current Oncology represents a multidisciplinary medium encompassing health care workers in the field of cancer therapy in Canada to report upon and to review progress in the management of this disease. Your Php Settings Limit The Maximum File Size Per Upload' title='Your Php Settings Limit The Maximum File Size Per Upload' />What we publish. We encourage submissions from all fields of cancer medicine, including radiation oncology, surgical oncology, medical oncology, pediatric oncology, pathology, and cancer rehabilitation and survivorship. For a complete list of article areas that we publish, please visit http www. Journal. Sections. Articles published in the journal typically contain information that is relevant directly to clinical oncology practice, and have clear potential for application to the current or future practice of cancer medicine. Benefits of publishing with Current Oncology. Articles are freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication. Distributed in print gratis to the Canadian oncology community. You can also set a value for errorlog in PHP. PHP error log to find out whats going on. In some cases, PHP errors might also be recorded. Description of core php. This list includes the core php. PHP setup. Directives handled by extensions are. Why I am having problems uploading or downloading large files For free users we have a maximum file upload limit of 50MB for those with Zamzar accounts this limit. I have this form working but it only seems to work for your PHP script. My company uses an external upload handler which requires the name of the input file field be. Published articles are sent to and immediately available in Pub. Med Central PMCImpact factor of 2. Journal Citation Reports, Science Edition. Is covered by the following major indexing services Pub. MedPub. Med Central. Your Php Settings Limit The Maximum File Size Per Upload' title='Your Php Settings Limit The Maximum File Size Per Upload' />Embase. Science Citation Index Expanded Sci. SearchJournal Citation ReportsScience Edition. EBSCOhost. com Research Databases. Cross. Ref. DOAJ Directory of Open Access JournalsIndex Copernicus. Scopus. Authors are granted specific rights for a large number of author uses. Return to Top Peer Review Policy. All manuscripts are initially reviewed by the editorial staff, and if appropriate, will be assigned to a section editor. If the paper is judged to be suitable for possible publication, it will be sent to two or more external reviewers using our database of experts. All articles undergo this process with the following exceptions, which do not undergo our standard review process Letters to the Editor, Commentaries and Editorials are based on the decision of the Editor, who may ask experts on the merit of their contents. Practices GuidelinesConsensus Statements Special considerations may be made in this case as they are typically authored by experts in the field. The authors of the manuscript are asked to sign a form stating they have approved the manuscript and it is acceptable for publication. If they choose not to sign this, they must provide a list of five potential reviewers to review the manuscript, and the article will go through our standard peer review process. The Editors reserve the right to choose all reviewers and may not necessarily select reviewers from the list provided. Meeting Reports based on the decision of the Editor. Special Articles depending on the format and content, special articles may be solely based on the decision of the Editor, or undergo our standard review process. At time of submission, authors are requested to provide at least three potential reviewers name, affiliation and email address, who could, in their opinion, expertly review their manuscripts. The Editors, however, reserve the right to choose all reviewers. These reviewers should not have published with any of the co authors during the past five years and should not currently work or collaborate with one of the institutes of the co authors of the submitted manuscript. Current Oncology employs a single blind review process. The identities of the reviewers are kept confidential, but the identity of the author or authors is made known to the reviewers. The manuscript under review is not revealed to anyone other than the reviewers and editorial staff. Reviewers are required to maintain confidentiality about the manuscripts they review. Ware Flash Banner Creator. Authors should expect to receive an initial decision on their manuscript within 26 weeks of submission. If revision of the manuscript is required, the authors must submit within three weeks of the request. Return to Top Types of Submissions. Outlined below are the types of submissions accepted to Current Oncology. For further details about the requirements of each article type, view the Instructions for Submissions section. Please note Below are ONLY guidelines that authors should follow. The suggested word, table and figure counts for an article are provided to keep manuscripts at a length that will maintain the interest of our reviewers and readership. Article Processing Fee APF and Extra Page Charges EPC will apply to all manuscripts including original articles, review articles, case reports, commentaries, practice guidelines and consensus statements, short communication, perspectives in oncology articles, and solicited commentaries. The APF is 8. 00. CDN, which includes up to four black white published pages. EPC of 1. 50. 0. CDN per b w page will apply for each additional published page over four pages. Letters to the editor, editorials, cancer narratives, and invited guest editorials are exempt from paying this fee. To help determine the approximate author fees for an article, please send an email to currentoncologymulti med. Please provide your full article in word document format, along with any figures and tables. If the manuscript has already been submitted, please provide the manuscript title or ID. Please note an accurate page count of your article and the associated fees can only be determined once the article is in final PDF galley format. Article Type Description. Suggested Word Count Limit. Other. Peer ReviewedYes or NoOriginal Articles. Investigations and original research that represent new and significant contributions and advances to the field of oncology. Tablesfigures and a limit of 5. Yes. Review Articles. Reviews of major areas or sub areas in the field of oncology. Describe new developments, summarize progress, or analyze published evidence. Tablesfigures and a suggested 7. Yes. Editorials. Comments from recognized experts on a specific topic, and related to an article published in the same issue. Editorials are generally solicited by the Editorial team. Tablesfigures and 48 references. No. Commentaries. Opinionsviews of recognized experts on a specific topic. Commentaries are unrelated to a specific article and provide an opinion or view on an oncology related topic. Commentaries can address various controversial and timely issues in oncology. No. Practice Guidelines. Clinical guidelines and consensus statements. Tablesfigures and a suggested 5. Consensus Guidelines are normally authored by experts. The authors on the manuscript are asked to sign a form stating they have approved the manuscript and it is acceptable for publication. If they choose not to sign this, they must provide a list of five potential reviewers to review the manuscript. Letters to the Editor. Comments on papers previously published in Current Oncology or on any other matters of interest to Oncology. Should not have tables or figures, and no more than 5 references. No. Perspectives in Oncology. Discuss significant topics and controversies relevant to oncology. These articles are typically from a more personal or opinion based standpoint than a Review Article. Tablesfigures and a suggested 5. Yes. Short Communications.