Amazing Spider Man 2 Trainer' title='Amazing Spider Man 2 Trainer' />Otto Octavius Earth 6. Marvel Database. Gallery Real Name Aliases. Doctor Octopus, Doc Ock, Friendly Neighborhood Spider Man,3Master Planner,4 Peter Benjamin Parker, Superior Spider Man,5 Slick,6 Spidey,6 Web Slinger,6Venom,7Superior Venom,7Doctor8, Master Programmer9 Affiliation. As Spider Man formerly H. E. A. R. T. Clinic, Spider Army, Superior Spider Army, Spiderlings, Avengers, Superior Six, Mighty Avengers. As Peter Parker Formerly Horizon Labs, Parker Industries. As Doctor Octopus formerly Thunderbolts Army Sinister Six leader, Masters of Evil V leader, Legion Accursed former partner of Green Goblin frequently headed his own gang of hired thugs. As Otto Octavius Atomic Research Center Base Of Operations. Formerly Parker Industries, Hudson River, New York Sims Tower, Times Square, Manhattan, New York City, New York, Earth 3. Central Park, Manhattan, New York City, New York, Earth 1. Spider Island Two, New York City, New York Horizon Labs, New York City, New York Beneath Battery Park, New York City, New York Occupation. Personal assistant former CEO, vigilante, adventurer, scientist, criminal mastermind, atomic researcher consultant Education. Ph. D. in Nuclear physics from M. Amazing Spider Man 2 Trainer' title='Amazing Spider Man 2 Trainer' />I. T. honorary doctorate in biochemistry9 earned Ph. D in Biochemistry as Peter Parker Hair. Brown as Peter Parker. Bald as Otto Octavius formerly brown Unusual Featuresas Otto Octavius Myopia necessitates the use of prescription eyeglasses1. Peter Parker Small hairs on his hands and feet that allow him to adhere to walls and most surfaces Origin. Humanmutate1. 2 Otto Octavius created mechanical tentacles to aid him with his nuclear work. After a lab explosion left him hospitalized, Otto awoke to find himself able to telepathically control them, Otto realized that with his new ability, and his already great intellect, he could be the best there is. Doctor Octopus Year One. Early life. Born in Schenectady, New York, to a lower class family, only child Otto Octavius was to be raised by his overbearing mother and his abusive father. During his youth, Otto would often receive beatings at home, or school. His father would roar at Otto to use violence when dealing with bullies whilst his mother, on the other hand, always put Otto off using violence. Sometimes Ottos father would beat him during rages, earning Ottos hatred. He was accepted into M. Born in Schenectady, New York, to a lowerclass family, only child Otto Octavius was to be. You might be tempted to think this is just a cool experiment, but dont be surprised when Mark Zuckerberg rips it off and its suddenly packaged with Instagram. Marvel World, premier site encyclopdique francophone sur le monde des Comics Marvel. Vous y trouverez des biographies, des historiques Marvel et bien plus. I. T. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Later, his father was killed in a construction accident during Ottos first year of college, his mother used her husbands early death to manipulate Otto into studying more. Ottos hard work paid off when he graduated at the top of his class and became a researcher at the Atomic research a reclusive in school. Cheatbook your source for Cheats, Video game Cheat Codes and Game Hints, Walkthroughs, FAQ, Games Trainer, Games Guides, Secrets, cheatsbook. Welcome to the Cheat Happens Trainer Request System. We use this system to determine which games receive new trainers. Each game will have a credit goal assigned. SpiderMan Subway Fight Scene The Amazing SpiderMan 2012 Movie CLIP HD Duration 157. TopMovieClips 5,313,828 views. Atomic Research. Now an adult, Otto Octavius managed to get a job at the U. S. Atomic Research Center. To help manipulate radioactive substances from a safe distance, Otto constructed a chest harness controlling four mechanical, tentacle like arms earning him the nickname Doctor Octopus. At work, had fallen in love with a fellow researcher, Mary Anders, but when Otto pronounced his intentions to marry her, his mother was against it, saying nobody was good enough for her son, causing him to break off his engagement. When Otto discovered his mother dating behind his back, he blew up in rage at her. During the argument, Mary died of a heart attack, leaving Otto without a mother and with bitter feelings. Doctor Octopus. Doctor Octopus. Consumed with guilt, Otto couldnt fully focus during work, and volatile liquids exploded bombarding the scientist with radiation. The substances left him capable of mentally controlling the arms, but the accident also caused irreversible brain damage transforming the respected scientist into a megalomaniacal superhuman criminal. Meeting Spider Man. Waking in a hospital, Otto knew this new found strength combined with his awesome intellect could render him supremely powerful. Holding the medical staff hostage, Otto forced them to gather lab equipment for him to continue his work. But Spider Man showed up. Doctor Octopus easily defeated Spider Man. Doc Ock then took control of a leading nuclear research facility and again squared off with the wall crawler, who this time defeated him with one punch to the jaw. Criminal career. After serving time, Doc Ock attempted to raise funds by springing gangster Blackie Gaxton from a Philadelphia prison assisted by Gaxtons lawyer, Bennett Brant. Spider Man foiled the scheme, but could not save Bennett from being shot in front of his sister, Betty Brant. After escaping from Spider Man during a scuffle on a getaway boat meant for Gaxton, Octopus travelled throughout the country, committing some of the most spectacular crimes in an attempt to bring Spider man to confront him. When that failed, Octopus returned to New York, where he hoped to find Spider Man. After kidnapping Betty Brant, whom Octopus knew Spider Man had risked his life saving before, he fought Spider Man on Coney Island, who was suffering from a severe virus attack, and easily defeated and unmasked him as Peter Parker. Falsely realizing that the weak Peter Parker could not be Spider Man, Octopus left and went on a rampage, releasing zoo animals and finally confronting the real Spider Man, and was defeated when he was trapped in a burning building. After being imprisoned yet again, a team of specialists found a way to remove his harness. Now believed by the prison to be normal again and without power, they placed his tentacles in another part of the facility. It was at this time that Octopus showed that he had mental control over his arms, even when separated from him over short distances. Using this to his advantage, he summoned his tentacles to return to him and escaped from prison. Sinister Six. He then deduced that to defeat Spider Man, he could not do it alone. He decided to bring together a team of villains to destroy Spider Man, and thus assembled the first Sinister Six to combat Spider Man. Cryengine 1 Licensing. He plotted to kidnap Betty Brant again and make her their hostage. However, Betty was visiting with May Parker at the time, who was also captured and taken hostage. Dr. Octopus treated May so kindly, though, that she remained blissfully unaware she had been kidnapped by the charming villain. Doctor Octopus VS Spider Man. Master Planner. Following Spider Mans defeat of the Sinister Six, Octopus assembled another group of costumed underlings and established an undersea base. Calling himself the Master Planner, he embarked on a series of thefts of experimental substances seeking to further expand his mastery of the atomic sciences. His goal to develop a radiation ray with which he could rule the world. But his plan was fated to entwine with Spider Mans when May fell sick, Peter provided her with a blood transfusion not realizing the radioactivity in his plasma would kill her. The only substance capable of saving her was the experimental ISO 3. Peter managed to obtain enough money to fund the operation, but the Master Planners forces hijacked the shipment for their own deadly research. Vmware Remote Console 2.5 Download on this page. Spider Man tracked down the Master Planner to his underwater hideout and confronted his foe, revealed to be Doc Ock. After the base was destroyed, Doctor Octopus escaped once more. Spider Man recovered the ISO 3. Aunt Mays life with the aid of Dr. Curt Connors the Lizard.