Complete Technical Acronyms, Glossary Definitions for PC, SAN, NAS, QA, Testing, HDTV, Wireless, Linux, Embedded, Networks, Video, Digital, pharma, Unix, Video. Grants rants on information security. Im a ham radio operator and have been since 1. I got my Novice ticket in rural South Dakota SD at 1. Its been a fun hobby, even though I took a break from roughly 1. So. to the point. Xpc Tools Windows 7 Download' title='Xpc Tools Windows 7 Download' />Simulink, developed by MathWorks, is a graphical programming environment for modeling, simulating and analyzing multidomain dynamical systems. Crowdfund innovations in tech and design before they go mainstream, and buy hundreds of unique products shipping now from Indiegogos Marketplace. This Dell desktop with Ryzen 7 1700X and Radeon RX 580 is on sale for 850. By Paul Lilly. News A nice prebuilt for the money. Subdivision Planning And Design Software. Recover formatted drive, recover files after formatting hard drive Windows 7,Windows 10,Windows 8. Windows XP,Windows Vista for HP Toshiba Dell Lenovo Asus Acer. Manufacturer Model BIOS Entry key HP HP and Compaq Desktop PCs Built in 2006 or later came with Vista or Windows 7 F10 HP HP and Compaq Desktop PCs Built. Conferences PacSec Nov 12, Tokyo, Japan. Grandmas old bag, how outdated libraries spoil Android app security by Marc Schoenefeld. When encryption is not enough. Christina Cardoza, formerly known as Christina Mulligan, is the Online Social Media Editor of SD Times. She covers agile, DevOps, AI, machine learning, mixed. A simple GUI using Windows volume API to list, mount, unmount volumes. I went to the Mike and Key Ham Fest down in Puyallup, WA in the spring of 2. Before I showed up there, I had been thinking about a GMRS license and radios for the family. I picked up a Kenwood TKR 8. GMRS repeater frequencies. I also picked up 4 Kenwood TK 8. I got a good deal. They didnt come with microphones, but I didnt see that as a big deal. I was at the ham fest. Once I got home, I found out differently. This particular breed of radio, as a result of the genius of Kenwood, doesnt have a standard microphone plug. As a result, microphones cost 6. And the aftermarket doesnt make them. Stupid. I found a lot of 7 on e. Bay, for a reasonable price, so now Im in action. Anyway, this is a repost of an article I found on a blogspot post about how to tune the TK 8. That article has since disappeared and the blogspot site is no longer in existence. Im reposting the content here. Thankfully, PDFed the articleOriginal article from Wirelessness blog from W6. DTW, originally at http sparqi. Over the past weekend a friend of mine asked if I would help him convert his Kenwood TK 8. I wasnt sure how successful wed be, since most every online search came up with at best little information or at worst flat out statement saying Nope, cant be done. As it turns out, it cant be done. Kudos to Time K for his notes posted to Radio Reference cg, I also placed the relevant content at the end which gave enough hints to make this happen. In general this is how it went. My friend wanted his radio to work on the Bay Net repeater system, which operates 4. MHz TX split. TX was fine, but RX was giving a steady beep beep beep. PLL unlock. In the PLL section, under the copper foil, cg, for the record, mine werent are three adjustment pots A TC3. B TC3. 03, and C TC3. Dont ask why theyre out of order. According to the Service Manual, Pot A sets the PLL for the low end of the receiver range, Pot B set the high end of the receiver range, and Pot C sets the TX PLL. The goal is to monitor testpoint CV with a voltmeter and adjust for minimum voltage during RX and TX. This requires reprogramming the radios test frequencies to match the band of interest, so youll need the KPG 4. KPG 4 cable. Once we had the PLL voltages minimized for RX and TX, I found that the radios TX frequency was way off, so a frequency alignment was needed. This again required the KPG 4. Panel TestTune via the control head. It was easy enough with the KPG, once we realized you need to press Enter to lock the modified value. Other things like adjusting the BPF and checking deviations should be done. In the end, the conversation was very easy and the radio is working well on the UHF amateur band. Adding this here, to make it more complete, and have information all in one place. From Radio Reference From ramal. The VCO can be adjusted fairly easy with a volt meter. You just program your highest and lowest frequencies, monitor the VCO steering line voltage, check high and low both TX and RX and see if the voltage stays within specs. There are tweekers for both TX and RX to achieve this. And yes, if you lower your VCOs range, you will lose the top freqs, the VCO can only swing so far.