Project Management Tools Open Source' title='Project Management Tools Open Source' />Call Center, Bug Tracking and Project Management Tools for Linux. Promoting Linux Requires Advertising. It Matters to Me. TMCaution very old web page with staleobsolete links This is a snapshot of a 1. LinuxFree Software web page. Although many parts still hold true, it is also getting old and stale. This page has not been updated since 2. It contains broken linksNew links and new material will not be added to this page it is. Free. The growth of Linux in the commercial world has been matched by the. When this list was started six years. In the intervening time, the list of packages and products has exploded. There is now a decent variety. The. astute reader will notice that there still remain some gaping holes. SAP R3, in pre sales, sales, and post sales support systems, and. We hope these gaps will close. Note to Free Software Programmers Please DO NOT create. There are too many. Do some research. A survey of bug tracking, scheduling, metrics, troubleticketing, helpdesk, call and projectmanagement tools for Linux. Index of open source tools for WebGIS, CAD, and remote sensing. At first, this may seem less rewarding, because you wont be Mr. Super Duper I am Head of the Project Big Shot. Might Be Linus Torvalds Soul Brother. But in the long run, you will find. I speak from experience If you really want to be famous, then develop a core technology that. Most of these systems have broad. Only the labels on the columns are. This is ideal for abstraction. Broadly speaking. But there. are other ways to create the abstraction as well. Do it Terms Definitions. Call tracking and bug tracking systems might at first sound like the. Pinnacle Clean here. Some people even confuse bug tracking. There is a whole spectrum of tracking. Lets define some of the more commonly used terms. Knowledge Base. The basic idea behind a knowledge base is to automate customer support. The knowledge base can be used by customer. Alternately these systems can be used to organizes product info for. At a bare minimum, a knowledge base. FAQs and mailing list archives indexed with. At the high end, the system would have ways. Trouble Ticketing. Trouble ticketing systems aka incident reporting or. Tasks are treated. Older systems. tend to be email based, newer ones are webJava based, sometimes. Fancier ticketing systems include a good. Help Desk ManagementCall Tracking. Most Help Desk Management systems are similar to Trouble Ticketing. Minimally, these include an address book which logs. Call tracking. systems usually include search capabilities for locating related. FAQs based on the. Knowledge Base. These systems might also provide. Premium systems add some workflow and escalation capabilities, so. See also this more humorous, Dilbertian. CRM Customer Relationship Management. There are two very different types of systems that are both. CRM by the trade press and the industry. One type is a tool used by supporthelp deskdirect sales. The other type is used by. So. CRM Support systems are used to help support personnel. At a minimum, such systems provide. They frequently rate customers by importance, priority. CRM systems are usually integrated with Help DeskCall Tracking. At the low end, CRM systems are no more. CRM Marketing systems are used to gather the names. These. databases of consumer preferences can be mined for statistical. These systems can then. Some of these systems support web front ends so that users. Bug Tracking. Bug Tracking Systems are similar to Trouble ticketing systems in. However, bug tracking systems. Some bug tracking systems are integrated with. Resource Asset Management, Parts Vendors. Resource management and asset management systems are typically used. By hardware. or assets, we mean anything expensive enough to track PCs. Such systems might include a trouble ticketing system, so that. When tracking computer equipment, a network management subsystem. Parts tracking systems include not only a contact database for. Workflow Management. Workflow Management systems are similar to Bug Tracking systems. However, they tend to be more strongly integrated with document. Some also provide. Others provide integration. Program Do Diagnostyki Samochodu Opel there. At the extreme high end lie ERP systems, such as. SAPR3 portions of which are now available on Linux. Note if you have a workflow system, then you can trivially. CRM system. True workflow systems make it very easy. Some systems. e. g a decent bug tracker, can be created in literally one. The workflow abstraction is a powerful. I only wish that more people who are. Wed have a better world with better software. Note that many commercial CRM systems are dumbed down. Project Management. Project Management Systems distinguish themselves from all of the. Resource allocation is a well known NP complete. Gantt chart is a keyword here. These systems are usually used to manage construction and. ERP Enterprise Resource Planning. ERP systems have a way of promising all of the above. Usually. but not always, ERP systems are a collection of tools and. They often include a financial. This allows, for example, a customers bug. On the plus side, ERP systems are meant to be highly. On the downside, they tend to be big and. It is often the case that ERP systems dont do as good a job, or. On the other hand, ERP systems offer a uniform, integrated. Selecting a System Thats Right for You. I have attempted to categorize systems according to their features. However, many of the systems listed here are being. Unfortunately, this web page is not updated monthly. Therefore. it pays to review systems in categories that are related to what you. In addition to the basic features that you need, you may want to make. These are particularly important criteria if you are thinking about. It may also ease system administration headaches. Basic license categories include Free Software GPL License. Open Source BSD license, and Commercial proprietary license. The web based systems build on a core web application server technology. Some of the leading Free SoftwareOpen Source application servers are. Zope, a python based application. Big, robust, popular. Python has some marvelous. PHP, an application server using a. The grand daddy of app servers. Very popular, very in, very hip. Perl, a programming language. When used with Apache and. LGPLed open sourced Java based application server. IBMs Web. Sphere or BEAs Web. Logic. This is the. Java based application server. Java based portal application server. Another selection criterion might be the use of an SQL backend for data. Although SQL typically requires a bit more in system. SQL is more crash proof in that it less likely to scramble your. Data stored in SQL databases is more easily portable to other systems. There are many SQL Databases for Linux. Note that there are a number of commercial Application Service Providers. ASPs that provide web based services of the kind reviewed on this page. Access to some of these systems may even be free. However, because. I do not. list any of these here. There are literally hundreds of these systems. Listing them here would broaden the scope of these pages beyond what. I could manage. The main advantage to using an ASP is that you have. The main disadvantage to using an ASP is that if the provider. And ASPs have gone. A good directory for these services is the. Web based Project Management ASP Directory. Note to Free Software Programmers Please DO NOT create. There are too many. Do some research. At first, this may seem less rewarding, because you wont be Mr. Super Duper I am Head of the Project Big Shot. Might Be Linus Torvalds Soul Brother. But in the long run, you will find.