Overview. There is no exact, widely accepted definition of what constitutes an indie game, however, indie games generally share certain characteristics. Free Steam Games, Free Origin Games, Free Desura Games, Indie Game Bundles, Free PC Games, Game Bundles, Humble Bundle, Bundle Stars, PC Game Deals, Games Deals. Free Indie Horror Games For Pc' title='Free Indie Horror Games For Pc' />Best Free Indie Horror Games For PcHorror games that dont rely on jump scares. There are different kind of horror games for different kinds of people. Some enjoy the shock to the system of a particularly startling jump scare, where frightening sounds and imagery accost you like a slap to the face. But others like me prefer the subtle, slow burn dread of great psychological horror, without any of the loud noises or sudden camera zoom ins. Uneasiness creeps under your skin bit by bit until youre almost too disturbed, unnerved, or straight up afraid to go on despite the lack of any in your face freakouts. Whether you think jump scares are little more than cheap theatrics, or you enjoy them but just want to try something tonally different, these stellar horror games will pull you in with their potent suspense and palpable atmosphere without opting for a canned GOTCHA moment every 1. Darkwood. Specializes in An atmosphere of encroaching rot, somehow making a top down perspective immersive and unnervingly tense If Silent Hills aesthetic is rust and grime, Darkwood has mastered the art of making everything feel like its dripping with rot, mold, and fungus. With its top down perspective, brutal but doable challenge, and pristine pixel art which gives you just enough gruesome detail to let your imagination do the rest Darkwood feels reminiscent of classic PC games mixed with modern psychological horror. You play as a mysterious abductee who awakes in an oppressively gloomy forest the trees have grown so rampantly that theyve created an impenetrable wall, trapping everyone inside and driving them to insanity. During the day, you scavenge for supplies, fending off rabid dogs or crazed villagers and meeting a supporting cast full of endearingly freakish characters. At night, you have to hole up in your shanty of a safe house and pray you survive the coming onslaught until dawn. Darkwood makes amazing use of subtle sound effects to make you dread whatevers lurking in the shadows, and its brimming with dark subplots that ask you to connect some disturbing dots. As atmospheric horror goes, Darkwood is in a league of its own. Check it out here. Tormentum Dark Sorrow. Specializes in Lavishly detailed nightmarescapes you could stare at for hours. This point and click adventure is never outright scary its more unsettling than anything, in the entrancing, eerie kind of way you might associate with a creepy art gallery. Tormentums protagonist is a hooded wanderer lost in a hellish dimension thats clearly been inspired by the works of H. R. Giger and Zdzislaw Beksinski look up this Polish artists name if you dont plan on sleeping tonight. Every vista in this hand painted realm is at once grotesque and oddly gorgeous, full of warped exoskeletons, hideous machinery, and fleshy growths. Solving puzzles and making progress in Tormentum is fairly straightforward, so you can sit back and soak up all the haunting sights and unsettlingly characters at your leisure. Check it out here. Siren Blood Curse. Specializes in A chilling, voyeuristic version of hide and go seek. Zombies are creepy enough as it is but whats even scarier than a reanimated corpse is a flesh devouring Shibito ghoul thats still clinging to a semblance of its original personality. This pale skinned twist on your typical walker many of whom are infested with insect parasites serve as the basis for Siren Blood Curse, an episodic, thoroughly Japanese horror series thats easy to find on PSN. Youll play as seven different characters trapped in the misty Hanuda Village, some of whom have the capacity to fight back against the legion of chanting stalkers. But eventually, youll be forced to use Sirens most intriguing mechanic the sight jack system. The Warriors For Pc Iso Files. This ability lets you see from the perspective of your undead pursuer, praying that they dont find your hiding spot as you catch a glimpse of yourself through their eyes. Instead of banking everything on fleeting, one note scares, Siren Blood Curse is all about the almost unbearable build up of anxiety, until you just cant take it anymore and decide to flee in terror. Check it out here. Bloodborne. Specializes in Traditional Hammer horror, plus a persistent need for self preservation. Sure, Bloodbornes got the heart of an action RPG it follows in the hallowed footsteps of the Souls series, and it certainly requires more mechanical skill and dexterity than any other game on this list. But once youve acclimated yourself to your Hunters nimble movements and weapons of choice, youll be able to see past the intense combat to really appreciate just how spooky the city of Yharnam really is. Every enemy design is bristling with macabre details like disgusting mandibles or bits of rotting flesh, and the environment reveals some intensely disquieting secrets once youve built up enough Insight cleverly designed stat representing your deeper understanding of the world. Of course, theres always the fear for your own survival keeping you on the edge, knowing that a mid fight misstep could cost you an hour of hard fought progress. Trust me when I say its a good kind of afraid. Check it out here. Ib. Specializes in Classic haunted house spookiness, with artistic anime flair. Ib pronounced eeb is the perfect introduction to world of creepy, classy RPG Maker horror games which, by the way, are almost always free. Its plenty eerie wandering through a museum that may or may not be haunted, but Ib treats its frightening crescendoes with a soft touch, terrifying you just enough so that youre constantly giddy at the thought of whatever clever scares might await you around the next corner. The story can also be touching or morbid depending on your choices, and you never have to worry about combat its just you and your aesthetically pleasing, increasingly distressing surroundings, which youre free to explore at your own pace. Also, the scene with the room full of dolls will stay with you forever. Check it out here. System Shock 2. Specializes in Claustrophobia, and the distinct feeling that youre being watched. The precursor to Bio. Shock is arguably just as ingenious, set on a futuristic space station rather than an undersea dystopia. As one of the few survivors on a ship full of hideously infected crewmembers, you have to figure out just what the hell is going on and how youre going to survive your rude awakening from cryosleep. Theres a distinct sense of place to the eerily quiet, corpse ridden hallways on the Von Braun ship, but your apprehension will quickly turn to terror whenever you encounter the gruesome mutants that run rampant throughout its corridors. You dont know fear until youve desperately tried to hide from a gang of screaming psychic monkeys which shoot plasma from their exposed brains, with only a wrench and the cover of darkness to protect you. Check it out here. Sanitarium. Specializes in Pure psychological strangeness, with a lot of heart underneath the ugly exterior. Deformed children. Thats close to the first thing you see in Sanitarium, an early, incredible example of psychological horror in games. You see through the eyes of Max, an amnesiac whos struggling to piece together his identity after a nasty car crash and sounds vaguely like Hank from King of the Hill. The only thing youre certain of is that your face is covered in bandages, and youre trapped in an insane asylum with no concept of whats real and what isnt.