Commander, U. S. Fleet Forces Command COMFLTFORCOM is the title of the United States Navy officer who serves as the commanding officer of the United States Fleet. Play Online Battleship and other free online flash games. Play free battleship games right here at WebBattleship. Your 1 source for online flash games. Updated. Educational tools logic games Battleship. We have located the enemy fleet under the command of Admiral Kompter, but do not yet have visual contact. Battleship Halberd is Meta Knights signature airship. The Halberds size is not stated and. Provides books and scale models about anime series Starblazers. The official website for Commander, U. S. Third Fleet. A battleship is a large armored warship with a main battery consisting of large caliber guns. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries the battleship was the. Lucrehulk class battleship Wookieepedia FANDOM powered by Wikia. Lucrehulk class battleship. Cost. Not for sale Black market value 4. Heightdepth. Maximum acceleration. Battleship Fleet Command' title='Battleship Fleet Command' />Maximum atmospheric speed. Hyperdrive rating. Class 2. 01Backup Class 1. Power output. Peak shields lt 1,0. W4Armament. Cargo capacity. The Lucrehulk class battleship was the primary capital ship of the Trade Federations. Trade Defense Force. Most Lucrehulks were modified from enormous cargo haulers. Upgraded and modified versions were later used by the CISNavy,1. Separatist holdouts, the Alliance to Restore the Republic,1. Corporate Sector Authority1. Killik. Colony. 6Characteristics. A hangar bay with Multi Troop Transports. At over three kilometers in diameter, the enormous vessel resembled a donut shape that was missing a section of its circumference and it had a central sphere that contained the ships bridge and reactor assemblies. The front void of the craft held two mammoth docking bays on either side, which were lined with forward docking claws. These gigantic cargo vessels had been built for many years by the Trade Federation to haul cargo between planets and were an important asset to their enterprise. Housed in the stern of the main body were the main reactors, each connected to one of the three main engines, as well as to secondary engines and each other. The central sphere housed its own reactorpower generator assemblies. Lining the equatorial bands in batteries of three, were quad turbolaser cannons capable of rotating inwards when not in use. Their limited coverage of the hull made the early battleship models vulnerable, and made them rely more on the massive number of starfighters carried to defend the ships against enemy starfighters. This was, however, rectified with later ships whose armor and shields proved too strong for starfighter firepower, the fact becoming quickly apparent at the Battle of Naboo. The preClone Wars models of the battleships did have major defense flaws, as Anakin Skywalker was able to fly his starfighter into the hanger of a Droid Control Ship and destroy the main reactor by accident. The resulting explosion destroyed the battleship and ensured a Naboo victory. Clone Warsera battleship. Lucrehulk class battleships that fought in the Clone Wars had less trouble with weak spots, as they were augmented with gun batteries and much stronger shielding. Batteries of long guns and heavy guns complemented the additional quad turbolaser batteries added to the Lucrehulk superstructure when the war erupted. Each ship was also now so powerful due to the increased amount of power devoted to offensive and defensive systems that a whole flotilla of Republic. Star Destroyers was needed just to bring down a Lucrehulks shields. The Clone Wars refitted models were true battleships and were among the most powerful ships in the Confederate Navy. Due to their firepower and strong shielding and armor, and large starfighter complements, these battleships were often used as command ships and as blockade vessels. Thomson Cable Modem Hack Software. History. Origins. When the Trade Federation began creating its military, the Executive Board realized the need for large cruisers to transport their weapons across the galaxy, battleships to defend against starfighter attacks, and flagships for controlling their vast legions of battle droids. Reluctant to spend the credits necessary to construct and purchase a fleet of military vessels, the Trade Federation began modifying a portion of its many thousands1. Lucrehulk class freighters into warships. Their early navy had about 1. Lucrehulks converted to battleships and by the battle of Naboo, it was estimated that 3. Invasion of Naboo. A blockade battleship over Naboo. The Trade Federation used a substantial fleet of Lucrehulk class battleships to enforce the invasion of Naboo, led by the flagship Saakak. The most important vessel in the Trade Federations blockade was the Lucrehulk class Droid Control Ship. Vuutun Palaa. When the rest of the blockade dispersed after Naboo was successfully occupied, the Neimoidians left the Droid Control Ship in orbit to coordinate their droid forces. The Control Ship was later destroyed by the young Anakin Skywalker, resulting in the deactivation of the Droid Army. After the Invasion of Naboo, the Republic ordered the Trade Federation to disband its military forces. The crafty Trade Federation pretended to comply with this command by apparently disassembling most of its battleships, only to transform their centrispheres into detachable core ships capable of carrying supplies1. In 2. 7 BBY, two of these vessels were used to try to destroy Outbound Flight. The Chiss. Commander. Thrawn destroyed one of the Lucrehulks, allowing the other to surrender. The Clone Wars. Three quad turbolaser cannons on a Trade Federation battleship. Lucrehulk class core ships were used during the Battle of Geonosis, where they carried legions of battle droids. In retreat, the Core Ships were found to be able to reattach themselves to the outer ring. These vessels saw continued use during the devastating Clone Wars, transporting military equipment and troops to countless worlds, and engaging Republic fleets in combat. During the wars, the Lucrehulk class battleship received a massive upgrade in terms of firepower, with the addition of hundreds of long guns, quad guns, and heavy guns dotting the surface of both the core ship and the surrounding cargo arms. They, along with the other capital ships of the Confederate Navy, also proudly wore the colors and insignia of the Confederacy. A few dozen participated in the attack on Coruscant towards the end of the war. Legacy. During the Imperial Period, some militarized Lucrehulks remained in operation, fighting on the side of Separatist holdouts or early Rebel Alliance units. A few battleships kept in Imperial surplus stock were also sold to the Corporate Sector and to wealthy merchants. Other ships were dismantled and sent to garbage dumps like Raxus Prime. Several captured Lucrehulks were pressed into service in the Imperial Navy and used to host flight schools for military fighter pilots. Several Lucrehulks, belonging to an unknown party, were also involved in a skirmish with Rebel forces. One of several Alliance Lucrehulks, the Fortressa served as a starfighter carrier, carrying a complement of hundreds of T 6. X wing starfighters. In 0 BBY, it participated in an assault on the first Death Star and was destroyed by the battle stations superlaser. In 3. 6 ABY, dozens of Lucrehulk series freighters were appropriated by forces allied with The Colony and used as carriers for Dartship swarms during the Swarm War. Behind the scenes. LEGO battleships, starfighters and a donut floating above Naboo in LEGO Star Wars Darth Mauls Mission. Lucrehulk class battleships first appeared in 1. Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace and its tie ins. It has since appeared in every movie of the prequel trilogy. George Lucas wanted the battleship to have a retro saucer look, but felt it needed a distinct sense of front and rear. Doug Chiang achieved this in early concept art by adding the antennae and docking section to one side, and a set of engines to the other. Lucas himself added the bridge ball to the center for the finished design. Battleships have appeared in LEGO form in the 2. LEGO Star Wars The Video Game and in the 2. LEGO Star Wars Darth Mauls Mission. CAG 1. 7 VT 1. 7 Torpedo Squadron Seventeen April 7, 1. Sinking of the Battleship Yamato. There are many stories about the sinking of the Japanese battleship Yamato. Below are some of those stories and some links to other web sites with more stories about the ship and its final day, April 7, 1. Follow paragraphs from Wikipedia as of 1. Yamato, named after the ancient Japanese Yamato Province, was a battleship of the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II. Flagship of the Japanese Combined Fleet, she was lead ship of the Yamato class. She and her sister ship, Musashi, were the largest and heaviest battleships ever constructed, displacing 7. Constructed from 1. Yamato served as the flagship of Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto throughout 1. Combined Fleet during the Battle of Midway in June 1. Throughout 1. 94. Yamato continually transferred between Truk, Kure and Brunei in response to American airstrikes on Japanese island bases. The only time Yamato fired her main guns at enemy targets was in October 1. Taffy light escort carrier task groups managed to sink three heavy cruisers during the Battle off Samar. On 1 January 1. Yamato, Haruna and Nagato were all transferred to the newly reactivated 1st Battleship Division Yamato left drydock two days later. When the 1st Battleship Division was deactivated once again on 1. February, Yamato was reassigned to the 1st Carrier Division. On 1. 9 March 1. 94. Yamato came under heavy attack when American carrier aircraft from Enterprise, Yorktown and Intrepid raided the major naval base of Kure where she was docked. Damage to the battleship, however, was light,2. Japanese fighter instructors flying Kawanishi N1. K Shiden or George fighters. Led by the man who planned the attack on Pearl Harbor, Minoru Genda, the appearance of these fighters, which were equal or superior to the F6. F Hellcat in performance, surprised the attackers, and several American planes were shot down. Heavy antiaircraft defensive fire and the heavy upper deck armour plating on Yamato also prevented any significant damage to the vessel. On 2. 9 March, Yamato took on a full stock of ammunition, in preparation for combat off Okinawa in Operation Ten Go. Operation Ten Go was a deliberate suicide attack against American forces off Okinawa by Yamato and nine escorts, beginning on 6 April 1. Embarking from Kure, Yamato was to beach herself near Okinawa, and act as an unsinkable gun emplacementbombarding American forces on Okinawa with her 1. Yamato carried only enough fuel to reach Okinawa, as the fuel stocks available were insufficient to provide enough fuel to reach Okinawa and return. While navigating the Bungo Strait, Yamato and her escorts were spotted by the American submarines Threadfin and Hackleback, both of which notified Task Force 5. Yamatos position. At 1. April 1. 94. Yamato was attacked by a first wave of 2. Task Force 5. 8, taking three hits two bombs, one torpedo. By 1. Yamatos escorts had been sunk. Shortly afterward, a second strike of 1. Yamato and her remaining escorts. At 1. 4 2. 3, having taken 1. Yamatos forward ammunition magazines detonated. The smoke from the explosionover 4 miles 6. Kysh. 2. 8 An estimated 2,4. Yamato were lost, including Vice Admiral Seiichi It, the fleet commander. The final phase of the Pacific war during World War II saw a terrible new tactic massed kamikaze attacks on American ships by Japanese planes. But the biggest kamikaze attack of all was the suicidal mission of the super battleship Yamato, the largest, most advanced warship of the day. In this program, NOVA joins an international team exploring the grave of this magnificent vessel to learn the secrets of her design, her final mission, and the violent events that brought her down. Yamato lies on the floor of the East China Sea, 2. Okinawa, blown apart by one of the most massive explosions ever to occur at sea. Altogether, more than 2,7. Yamato one of the greatest naval disasters of all time. Despite the destruction, the majesty of the ship is unmistakable, symbolized by a six foot wide chrysanthemum crest, icon of the Japanese imperial family, still gracing Yamatos prow like a figurehead. NOVA interviews two survivors of the sinking, who had to meet the most stringent requirements in the Japanese navy to be chosen for the crew. Also interviewed is an American dive bomber pilot who took part in the attack. Aircrews were astonished at the size of the ship, which had seen very little naval action during the war. Built in total secrecy and launched just after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Yamato may have been almost twice the size of her American counterparts, with the largest guns ever mounted on a warship. Most of her engineering drawings have disappeared and few photographs survive, making Yamatos exact dimensions and design a mystery. One of her junior designers tells NOVA he was completely in the dark about the scale of the vessel that he was helping to create I was building the biggest ship in the world, and I didnt even know it until after the war. Japans secrecy was due to her inability to match U. S. naval power ship for ship. Instead, military leaders decided to build a secret weapon that could engage many enemy ships at once. Her main guns were designed to attack at an unprecedented distance of 2. American battleships. Had Yamato ever encountered an Allied battleship group, she could have floated safely out of range, while destroying each ship in turn. Instead, Yamato was obsolete the day she was launched, as the Japanese themselves proved at Pearl Harbor and elsewhere by sinking Allied battleships with airpower. World War II would see the aircraft carrier emerge as the key to naval supremacy, supplanting the battleship. Forced to wait out much of the war due to her vulnerability to air attack, Yamato was committed in a last, desperate gamble during the Battle of Okinawa in April 1. As waves of kamikazes took to the sky to defend the island, Yamato was ordered to sea on a mission to emulate the suicide planes and take out as many American ships as possible. Of the just over 3,0. Yamato on the morning of April 7, 1. In the interviews below, meet two Yamato veterans still haunted by memories of the battle that took most of their comrades lives. Read Japanese Survivor Stories Japanese Battleship Yamato minutes before sinking. Timeline of Battleship Yamato sinking on 7 April 1. The Attack Force is sighted by a searching Grumman F6. F Hellcat from USS ESSEX CV 9. The Attack Force briefly sights seven Hellcat fighters, but they are not seen by the escorting Zekes. The Attack Force sights two large Martin Mariner PBM flying boats. The Japanese also spot the HACKLEBACK trailing the Attack Force. YAMATO turns towards the planes and opens fire unsuccessfully as does cruiser YAHAGI. While YAHAGI jams their sighting messages, YAMATO receives a report from a Japanese scout plane that Task Force 5. Okinawa, 2. 50 nautical miles from the Attack Force. The aircraft are lost behind the clouds. Both ships cease firing. The Attack Force turns towards Sasebo. YAMATOs Type 1. 3 air search radar operator reports contact with a large aircraft formation at his sets maximum range of 6. He reports the formation at bearing 1. All ships increase speed to 2. A report that had been delayed for 2. It says that the Kikaigashima Island lookout station saw 1. Just then, eight F6.