Chinese Mauser Chiang Kai Shek or Zhong Zheng Shi C Rsenal. Rifle. Chinese Zhong Zheng Shi Rifle. Category F Collector LongarmsAuction 36 1. Ga Midland SS Combination Gun. Pre1898. R 2650. 00 Hammer gun with bar action locks. Barrel with 4leaf. Collectible Handguns post 1898 Important information about ordering firearms from us If you see a firearm that you want, let us know and we will hold it for. Manufacturer. Gongxian, Hanyang, Nanking. Cartridge. 7. 9. 2x. Overall Length. 43. Action. Rotation Bolt. Barrel Length. 23. Magazine. 5 rounds staggered. Weight. 8. 8 lbs. Commonly known as the Chiang Kai Shek rifle, this Chinese copy of the Mauser Standard Modell is one of the most produced and heavily used military rifles in history. Despite the millions made and their extreme service lives, many collectors take little notice of these guns in their research or collecting. Between 1. 91. 1 and 1. China shouldnt necessarily be considered one whole country. Prime ministers, emperors, and warlords came and went in a series of revolutions involving various parts of the country. While there are myriads of exchanges in this period lets simplify to a few key powers and events from 1. All ammo was tested in 29inch barrel Turkish Type 1938 rifles in good condition. These results apply ONLY to the ammo tested. Your ammo may have different performance. SERIAL NUMBERS OFTEN ALLOW YOU TO DETERMINE YEAR OF MANUFACTURE. Knowing the year your vintage firearm was made makes it easier to decide which gun catalog we sell. Model 1893s received a lot of modifications when converted to 8mm Mauser. It seems that the conversions were done in the 1930s at the Ankara arsenal. Learn more about the Zhong Zheng Shi Chinese Mausers used in the SinoJapanese war and beyond. Swedish Mauser Model 9414 Carbine with Bayonet. Manufactured by Carl Gustav. Serial 14666. Numbers matching. Receiver dated 1903. Chambered for the 6. Mm Mauser Serial Numbers' title='8Mm Mauser Serial Numbers' />Chinese Civil War. Just a warning, this is going to be a very rough sketch. Its a lot of material to cover and doesnt compress well. If you like, just skip down to the summary timeline. Chinas involvement in WWI was bought with overtures that the German controlled regions would be returned to them. Instead the Treaty of Versailles granted Japan rights to the German possession. This weakness of the Beiyang government greatly upset the Chinese citizenry and fueled the May 4th Movement of 1. Revolutions based on this protest eventually destroyed the Beiyang and eventually replaced it with the Kuomintang led by Sun Yat sen. The KMT was supported by an alliance with Soviet Russia and was therefore forced to cooperate with the fledgling Communist Party of China CPC. After Sun Yat sens death in 1. Chiang Kai shek who began the Northern Expedition. This military endeavor by the KMT against warlord controlled territories mostly unified China. Southern and Central China were under direct control of the KMT and the remaining northern warlords became very agreeable. The KMT also began fighting the CPC during this unification, beginning the Chinese Civil War. Following the Northern Expedition two things happened in China that overlapped and made things very difficult for the KMT government. As Chiang Kai sheks forces began overrunning the CPCs forces, Japan invaded Manchuria and began a series of border clashes with China. The KMT continued to apply pressure to the CPC Red Army and their new leader Mao Zedong. This forced the CPC on the Long March into harsh Northwestern China starting in 1. This exodus allowed the Red Army to gain further support and removed them from most of the areas of the Japanese occupation during World War II. In 1. Japan used the Marco Polo Bridge Incident as an excuse to invade China proper. The KMT bore the brunt of this war as the communists made nominal assistance and built up their own power. After Japans surrender and withdrawal the weakened KMT fought a civil war with the CPC and lost. The remnants escaped to the island of Taiwan. This pretty much leaves us the two countries we know today. In Summary 1. 91. May 4th Movement kicks off over anger about the Treaty of Versailles. Eventually topples the Beiyang government. Sun Yat sen resurrects his Kuomintang, Chinese Nationalist Party. The KMT accepts aid from Soviet Russia and is forced to acknowledge the Communist Party of China as a result. Sun Yat sen dies and is succeeded by Chiang Kai shek. The KMT begins the Northern Expedition, eventually uniting China. This also begins the fighting between KMT and CPC. Japan invades and occupies Manchuria. Nearly destroyed by the KMT, the CPC begins the Long March to northwest China. Japan invades China proper, starting the Second Sino Japanese War. Japan surrenders and withdraws. The Chinese Civil War continues in full force. The CPC unifies China. The KMT remains only in Taiwan. Given all of that its obvious how important small arms purchasing and manufacture were for the government. Chinese modern arms purchases began in the late 1. Germanys dominance of export arms. Qing Dynasty officials naturally sought out the best available and began with purchases of Model 1. As repeating rifles became standard China followed quickly. At this time the love of the Model 1. China also started to import a 6. Model 1. 90. 7 but sales were curtailed by the fall of the Qing Dynasty. Afterward a number of different models were imported all the way through World War II from Germany, Belgium, and Czechoslovakia. Other arms also wandered in from various allies. Rifle production in China included the Hanyang Rifle Model 1. Model 1. 90. 7, and the Type 2. FN Model 1. 93. 0. What we know as the Chiang Kai shek rifle began life as the exported Mauser Standard Modell. Entering the 1. KMT government saw a need to standardize military training, equipment, and armament for a massive and disjointed country. They reached out to Germany for assistance and received a military mission headed by General von Seekt along with arms technicians. In 1. Ministry of Revenue sought to arm their Taxation patrol through the purchase of 1. Standard Modell rifles. The Ordnance Office went ahead and requested the tooling and licensing to produce the rifles domestically. Assembly reportedly began in 1. Gongxian Arsenal sometimes spelled Kung Hsien and was spread to every other major arsenal in the country and some minor shops. They received the Mauser Standard Modell and couldnt find a fault with the rifle. Thus the Chinese Type 2. Shortly after the rifle was renamed in honor of the KMT leader. Chiang Kai shek, in Mandarin pronounced Jiang Jieshi, had actually already changed his common name around 1. Zhongzheng in support and emulation of Sun Yat sen who was known as Zhongshan. For the rifle his surname Chiang was dropped and just Zhongzheng was used. Thus the Zhong Zheng Shi, meaning type, rifle was born. Changing names wasnt exactly common in the US and our media never made the swap from Chiang Kai shek to Jiang Zhongzheng, so when the rifle showed up we went with what we knew. The Zhong Zheng Shi rifle suffers in interest only because it is a clone of the most successful military bolt action rifle made. The Standard Modell was the final word in the evolution of the Gewehr 9. WWI in terms of export. It features straight handled rotation bolt that cocks on opening. The magazine carries five rounds staggered for a flush fit into the stock. German 7. Model 1. Manual Para Reparar Celulares Pdf here. Chinese officials kept the standard Mauser bayonet lug but paired it with an oversized bayonet according to the Asian tradition of the bayonet charge. Unfortunately these are generally unmarked and therefore sometimes hard to identify. Several books show a bayonet with a more pointed pommel like WWI vintage Mausers while other sources show what appears to be a clone of the Belgian M1. HY1. 93. 5.   Just know to look for a standard Mauser bayonet grip, crosspiece, and pommel with an unmarked blade near 1. Serial numbers may or may not be present. Bayonets can vary widely as they were produced in factories and home shops all over the country so this might explain the confusion.